
Release of Britains Last Secret UFO-Files Again Postponed


London (United Kingdom) – While in 2013 the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) claimed to have released all its formerly top secret files on UFOs. In 2015 it had to admit that a further tranche of 18 UFO related files had been withheld and was planed to be released in 2015. While this release progress is still pending the German news-blog on edge-science and the paranormal „“ (GreWi) now officially learned that the latest date of release (formerly announced for late August) has again been postponed by the National Archives into a – so far – unforeseeable future.

In reply to a second enquiry by GreWi-editor Andreas Muller, a spokesperson of the National Archives‘ Information Management Department now replied:

„I have checked with the Transfer Team on what the current position is with regard the UFO records and have been advised that they were transferred to The National Archives on 30 June. However the issues with sensitivity, which I referred to in my earlier email (Note by GreWi: Some of the files need to have their closure/access status agreed by the Advisory Council on Public Records), appear to be more of a difficulty than originally anticipated and consequently the records are not yet available for viewing, and the Transfer team are at present unable to estimate when they will be available.“

Part of the yet to be released UFO-documents are filed under the title „UFO-Policy“ and date from 1971-76 and 1996-2000. Three other files cover June-December 2000, December–March 2004 and March 2004. Furthermore the MoD also confirmed that some files cover topics like „Air Traffic Controll Low Flying UFOs“ as well as so-called „ADGE UFO Reports“, which experts assume that they are UFO related documents from the radar unity „Air Defence Ground Environment“.

Some observers even anticipate that parts of the files will include also new information about the so-called Rendlesham Forest incident, when in December 1980 staff of the military RAF-bases Bentwaters and Woodbridge (used at the time by the U.S. Air Force) allegedly observed the landing of an unidentified flying object at close range.
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Andreas Müller
Fachjournalist Anomalistik | Autor | Publizist
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Andreas Müller

Fachjournalist Anomalistik• Sachbuchautor • Publizist

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